Complete the registration form mail/bring along with payment to:
2001 Municipal Court
Harrison City, PA 15636
Registration will not be accepted without payment of fees. MasterCard, Visa & Discover accepted! 2.65% convenience fee ($3.00 minimum) applies.
Please Register Early!
Pre-registration is required for all programs. Number of participants is limited. Registration is taken first-come, first served. Registration is not accepted at class, as classes may be filled or cancelled. Registrations will not be accepted after classes have met for the second time.
PTARC serves residents of the communities of the Penn-Trafford School District including those living within the borders of Manor, Penn, and Trafford Boroughs and Penn Township. All residents of Manor Borough are included.
Non-Resident Registration
Registrations from non-residents will be accepted. Non-Residents pay an additional $8 for all recreation programs.
Refund Policy
Cancellation requests made at least 3 business days prior to the start of all activities: participants may choose either a full credit voucher or monetary refund minus a $5 processing fee. Cancellation requests received after a program has started: participants may choose between credit voucher or monetary refund pro-rated to reflect the number of classes attended minus a $5 processing fee. No refund will be issued after the second meeting date of any program. Credit vouchers may be used to register an immediate family member living in the same household for any future programs within one year of the date of issue.
Attend the first day of the program as scheduled. You will only be notified by PTARC if a program is filled, postponed, or canceled. PTARC cannot be responsible for the make-up of sessions missed for personal reasons. If you miss a session, you are advised to contact the instructor about assignments or announcements. A registered participant cannot transfer his or her right to attend a program to another person.
Class Cancellations
Programs in schools are cancelled whenever schools are closed. PTARC reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or reschedule any program that does not meet a minimum number of class participants. Every effort will be made to reschedule sessions missed for unanticipated cancellations or postponements encountered during a program. Rescheduling is not guaranteed.
PTARC does not carry insurance to cover hospitalization or the medical cost of persons injured during the course of participation or spectating at Any PTARC's programs or events. All participants enter programs at their own risk.
Every effort will be made for people of all abilities to participate in PTARC programs. People with disabilities requiring special accommodations, must contact the Recreation Office before the start of the program, so that arrangements can be made for successful participation.
Financial Assistance
The Penn Trafford Area Recreation Commission is committed to serving all residents of the Penn Trafford School District regardless of financial status. If you are interested in participating in any of the programs or activities, but are unable to pay the fee, please contact the Recreation Director at 724-392-4555 for information on eligibility for financial assistance.